Milestone Espresso Coffee Beans
It Will Kick you this Hard
This Bag is Full of Whole Coffee Beans
Award Winning Coffee
Roasted in Meltham, Yorkshire
Milestone Brand
Milestone, Beans, Mellow, Balanced & Accessible
Great taste 2018, 2019, 2020
Carried from Brasil, Honduras or Peru & other Seasonal Producers
Tasting Notes Milk Chocolate, Cane Sugar & White Grape
Packaged in a protective atmosphere. Rainforest Alliance Certified - 30% Certified Coffee
Handling and Cooking
Store away from direct sunlight and any strong odours - these beans have had enough sun thank you very much. And don't even think about putting it in the fridge.
Using this Coffee Ensure your equipment is spotlessly clean, use properly filtered water, and ensure your grinder is adjusted correctly.